i love technology..

I didn’t like technology before. But, all of my elder brothers love technology very much. When I was a highschool student, I didn’t know what subject that I should take at university, and very confused about it. My eldest brother (I have 3 elder brothers and I’m the little one..^^) always advised me to take Information Technology or Information System major, because we are in globalitation era now and technology is being part of human’s life. I see and argee with it. But, if I study it at university, I think that’s not a good idea. Firstly, I didn’t interest with that subject. Secondly, I didn’t know anything about technology and didn’t care about it. And the last, if I choose that subject and being the student of Information Technology faculty, I must be being the most ‘gaptek’ student at there. Noo.. I don’t wanna it happens. I will continue thinking and choose the other subject that’s better. *gaptek=gagap teknologi*

And the time for thinking was over. I should choose one subject and be ready to study at university. do you know what subject that I take finally? Yeah, it is Information System! the subject that is study about technology, the thing that I very very ‘love’. I didn’t find another subject that is better. And I follow my eldest brother’s advice. At first, I very scared to face the study at university. But, I try to follow well and I enjoy it finally. I love all the subjects, and I have teachers and friends that are so great. I very thank to my eldest brother. He gave me the best choice of major. And I don’t regret it. I love technology..